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See you on 2nd May 2025

for the reopening of the historical monument

(see "Timetable" page)

Wines Tasting and sales are still available at the estate.

Where to find our wines abroad ?

Pays Société
TAIWAN Oriental House, Taipei
BELGIQUE De Coninck, Waterloo
CANADA (BC) Cru & Terroir, Vancouver
CANADA (QC) Symbiose Vins, Montréal, Québec
ESPAGNE Alma Vinos Unicos, Burgos
COREE DU SUD Gold Bridge Wine, Seoul
ALLEMAGNE Wein Am Limit, Hamburg
IRLANDE French Wine Unlimited, Dublin
ITALIE F. LLI Pellegrini S.P.A., Cisano Bergame
JAPON Terra Vert, Tokyo
POLOGNE Lutomski Wino Sp., Cracovie
CHINE Suzhou SIP Jiuxiang Wine Trading Co., Ltd. Shangai
SUEDE Wine Trade Sweden AB, Stockholm
SUISSE Boucherville AG, Zürich
REPUBLIQUE TCHEQUE Vino Matey, Dobřichovice
PORTUGAL Club des Châteaux, Lisbonne
POLYNESIE FRANCAISE Cave de Tahiti, Papeete
AUSTRALIE Jesselton Wine, Coburg North
USA Wines of France Inc., Mountainside (NJ)

Monuments Historiques
Jardin Remarquable

Château d'Arlay | Private domain | Historical monument  | 2 route de Proby - 39140 Arlay
Phone +33(0)3 84 85 04 22 | eMail [email protected]

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